Thursday, June 16, 2005

6 and Counting...

Sitting in the Right Field Mezzanine (where we got a great view of Joe D-G's catch) with my buddy TC tonight brought up some interesting topics:

  • If the Indians fall out of the race by the trading deadline, do you trade Millwood, Wickman, and Howry?
  • If the Indians are right in the race by the trading deadline (which I think they will be ), what do they add? What does this team need? Everyone harps on Dolan's "unwillingness to spend money", but really what would you add to the mix here and who would go? The only pressing need that I see is a RH bat, possibly as an OF. It seems that the two-headed monster of Hernandez and Blake is not doing the job.
  • What starter conveys the attitude of an "ace" the most? Or, what starter, when on the mound, gives you the most confidence? Consensus in the Mezzanine was Lee, Millwood, Sabathia, then Westbrook. Sabathia #3, you say? The reasoning is that despite his claims that he wants (and needs) to be this team's ace, C.C. still seems to let things pile on when the inning gets tough. The other 3 don't seem to have that problem.
  • Is Bob Howry expendable to get a RH bat in the lineup? With Cabrera tearing it up in AAA and Howry's contract up at the end of 2005 (he's sure to get a multiyear deal with the way that he's pitching), do you trade Howry with a minor leaguer to get a RH bat?
  • Who are the core players on this team? Super Sizemore is obviously the best position player on this team right now (the Baldelli comparisons have started), but who else will be here in 3 years? With no obvious Manny, Thome, or Vizquel here, who's going to stay for a few years, and who will pull a Paul Sorrento?

Other things seen and heard at the Jake and afterwards:

  • The Team Shop is selling #48 Pronk jerseys. If I see a #52 Crooked Cap or a #41 The Stick at the Team Shop, I'm asking for a commission.
  • The lineup was introduced to The Crue's "Kick Start My Heart" to get the crowd in the mood. Very well done video montage that got me ready for baseball, more so than "We're talkin' baseball...Indians Baseball...talkin' Tribe!" Who still hits the play button on that one? Is someone in the Indians' front office related to this singer? Let's bring back "Indians Fever, Be a Believer".
  • Why does the crowd start the wave with a Tribe runner on first and nobody out? Because Cleveland is not a baseball town. I'm sorry, but it's not.
  • WTAM's postgame with Kevin Keane and Mark Schwab gives a voice to the intelligent Tribe Fan. They give a cautiously optimistic view on the team while not getting too high or too low, while also remaining subjective and sometimes critical.
  • At a street vendor's stand on Bolivar en route to the game, I saw the script "C" on a hat, which I feel should be incorporated into the uniforms. The other symbol that REALLY needs to be brought back is the silhouette of the full Chief Wahoo against the baseball (think the old Chief sign at Municipal Stadium). Why can't that be the depiction of the Chief, rather than just that big, smiling, red face?

D-Backs in time for the weekend. In the words of Lou Brown, "starting to come together, Pepper...starting to come together." Still shooting for 40-33 out of the homestand.


  1. gotta love omar helping us out tonight, even if he is still running his mouth. 7 runs in the 9th? if the twins come back from that one i'm jumping off the detroit bridge this weekend. gammons, get ready to jump on the bandwagon.

    PC, i'll be in right field saturday with the wife's family if you'll be there. look for the guy driving down carnegie with randy newman's "Burn On" blasting from the car.

    i can't wait for the american express commercial.

  2. being an experienced cleveland sports fan, i can't help but wonder if my excitement is a bad idea. last night i decided to put a new CD in my alarm clock, the 1995 season highlights CD that has radio calls of last minute wins and big moments. seemed like a good idea until i woke up this morning to "we're talkin baseball, indians baseball, we're talkin tribe!!!" i'd rather wake up to "i got you babe" on groundhog day. the worst part is, after that, herb score calling a game kicked in next and i fell into a coma....only to be brought back to life with hamilton. i almost forgot how bad herb was. the funny part is, thats when they split games and you'd hear one highlight with hamilton and the next with herb and it blows your mind herb hung on for another 5 years.

    i am still angry at the peter gammons-kerry flip flop. look, either chicago is going to run away with it or they're not, make up your mind. if i see pictures of him windsurfing and kiteboarding i'm going to sick the swift boat veterans on him. i think i need some of those milton bradley anger mgmt classes.

  3. I hear you on Herb. I ran into him at a Westlake restaurant last year, and he is NOT doing well. I don't think he's been doing well, though, from about '95 on.

    I think it's time to go home and watch the Cleveland Rocks VHS tap. Now if I could only find my VCR.

    After this homestand, Gammons and the rest of Cleveland (hopefully)will be on the bandwagon, because Cleveland is a bandwagon town.

    The Major League references were coming fast and furious in our section last night. Is the comparison valid?

  4. Anonymous11:42 AM

    i have my vcr, but i can't find my "fantastic finishes" tape with Pulp Fiction on it after the tribe. Regardless, i'm on the bandwagon, just as i was when the cavs were atop of the division and the browns buried the Ravens
    and paul, don't worry, keaton has at least one or two good ones left in him
