Tuesday, June 28, 2005


Was anyone else waiting for Foulke to walk off the mound, mouthing the word, "WOW"?

In the words of Dozer, "I love Pesky Pole."


  1. -6 RBI's by Pronk!
    -Supersizemore going 0 for 3 and still scoring 4 runs!
    -Sticky Wicky with a 3 pitch 9th!

    oh the humanity!

    i can't wait to see the highlights, however i don't think it can match listening to hamilton in my hotel room.

    can't wait for wedge's exiting postgame interview..."hafner plays the game the right way..." zzzzzzzzzzzz

  2. Anonymous11:25 PM

    this combined with the trading of jiri welsh makes for a great night...28 million in cap space

  3. Anonymous2:43 AM

    ok, stumbling into this at 2:23am on a tuesday, but...

    old man franklin and i were "very boistrous" at the lakewood village tavern this evening as we decided to have "just one more" to end the game with, then next thing, victory is in our hands and kind mike and brian were there. what a win. i for some reason, as i have all season, had no fear with us tonight. we gave up that lead that seemed untouchable [to me, at least with our once-infallable pen], and for some goddamn reason i felt as if we had it in us to win. for the record, if you review my posts i have been about the most "stay patient" regular reader here [although i lost my patience early with elarton], and things are finally coming together here boys here at the end of june. not that i'm chastising you, but as everyone has referenced in recent posts, you’s people is up and down with this team, and it’s ticking me off. yes, we’ll lost, but godd@mn shake it off. this is not a 16-game nfl season. i, for one, think we have GOOD TALENT up here in the show. we have a team of guys who I think are close to a fricking contender AS WE WERE PROMISED IN 2005. Everyone wants to add this, wants to add that. lets stick this thing out and see what we got. although last week i made some comment about not understanding the major league references, in hindsight i see what you mofo's were talking about. we dont really have any superstars, and the closest thing we have to one is a guy who is even remotely close is, and only really in baseball circles, is someone who kept boston out of the series two years ago. this silly one-through-nine thing of last year is kind of ringing true this year especially. yes, no one understands why blake is hitting 2nd tonight, but without him there, we lose. yes, boston’s D has been especially sloppy [mr. bellhorn], but those are the breaks of a 162 game season.

    yes, the chisox may be unapproachable. but i have no doubt they'll be bounced in the first round. reasoning? there's no reason at all we shouldn’t have beat that seattle 117-win in 2001. we had them beat. period. you cannot convince me otherwise. chucky k actually showed up for us in that series. urgh. i know we wont be playing them first round if we do indeed make the playoffs, but someone will bounce them.

    the only thing i'm worried about is what has happened the past few years. boston and the goddamn yankees beating the crap out of each other and getting enough wins against tampa to knock us out. i know baltimore is there too, hell, even toronto, but i don’t know how much longer they’ll hold it. for i’m still weary of the dreaded yankees. i know george has been threatening big shakeups there the past few days, but new york's current talent is just too good to not think they're going to bend over for anyone.

    ok, i’m not even going to look this over and just punch it over, but this is good kids, this is very good. stay positive as TB has all season. no highs, no downs. yes, we have to shoot for the wildcard. texas will fail. we will beat them twins. its’ just either the bosox or yanks we have to worry about. and with that said…………… i’m spent. [sidebar: tomorrow i’ll do a wordcount on this and it’ll be way over the 500-word essays I couldn’t accomplish in Mrs. Schenkelberg’s Brit Lit class, yet in a drunken stupor, can roll off that in no time]. i hope this all made sense.

  4. Thinking of posting after a long night at shady bars? Please see the above work by TB: great content and positive thoughts (I mean it's TB), but the reference in the 3rd person followed by a reference to Sophomore English gives away the long night.

  5. "my sober thoughts will come tomorrow, as i promised myself i would no longer comment while incapacitated..." TB
    May 9, 1:42 AM

    what fun would that be?!?

  6. Anonymous11:55 PM

    I just waited for two hours in the rain for the O's/Yanks game to start but at least a bunch of those bastard Yankee Fans made a 7 hour round trip for nothing

    i may be attending a bachelor party for a guy i've never met in the bullpen before tommorrow's tribe game, then the wife and i will get to fri. and sat. at least...I expect some good games, the teams match up well, I don't see Baltimore's young pitchers keeping them above both the Yanks and Blow sox all year ..but if they can keep their lineup healthy it could get interesting. Hopefully I can do better than Paul...by the way Paul, I think I watched that Tiger Town movie with you at someone's birthday party back in the day, and i too sat in Municipal Stadium with my eyes closed looking like I was taking a shit while the Govnor or some other stiff struck out....good times, good times
