Monday, June 13, 2005

Setting up for the Homestand

With the 12 game homestand coming up (which the Indians should be able to parlay into some momentum) and a sweep of the Giants, what's the biggest news in town? That's easy, the Browns' minicamp! The minicamp, where nobody even gets to see the players! So, after Sizemore goes 18 for 36 in his last 8 games, C.C. and Lee turn into consistent starters, and Omar continues to crack back at the front office (Comment on Peralta: "He's got good power, but he doesn't play very much. If I were him that would make me wonder." Just go away Omar.) the big news is: Braylon Edwards is at his uncle's funeral! If anyone should ever have any doubt about whether Cleveland is a football town or a baseball town, the answer is overwhelmingly clear.

On another note, I caught Johnny Dangerously last night with one of my favorite actors, the venerable Michael Keaton. During the movie was a commercial for Herbie: Fully Loaded, in which Keaton plays the lovely Ms. Lohan's father. Has Keaton's star fallen that far? This guy was the legendary Jack Butler in Mr. Mom, and Billy Caufield in The Dream Team (Keaton's great and the movie has his moments, mostly due to Keaton: "You ever see Wolfen?").

It made me think about Keaton and another up-and-coming comedian from the same time period, who could also go berserk with the best of them, Tom Hanks. Seeing where Hanks is now makes one realize that there must have been some point when their paths took escalators going in the opposite direction.
Here's some random years with movies both were in:
MK - Night Shift
TH - Bosom Buddies (TV)
MK - Mr. Mom
TH - Splash
MK - Johnny Dangerously
TH - Bachelor Party
MK - Beetlejuice
TH - Big
MK - Batman
TH - Turner & Hooch
MK - Batman Returns
TH - Joe Versus the Volcano
MK - The Paper
TH - Philadelphia
MK - Multiplicity
TH - Apollo 13
MK - Jack Frost
TH - Saving Private Ryan
MK - Herbie: Fully Loaded
TH - The Da Vinci Code (coming soon)

Ironically, Keaton's big break as Batman seemed to put him on a downward spiral toward HBO and direct to video movies. Hanks, on the other hand, gained speed (somehow) after Turner & Hooch/Joe Versus the Volcano to win some Oscars. Seriously, look at '92, '94, and '96. What happened to my boy Keaton? It's obvious that Keaton's dramatic turn did not end up the way he would've liked it. But, we'll always have that obstacle course race in Mr. Mom.

Looking at these two, who at one time had comparable careers and promise, in hindsight is like one of those early '80s Topps' rookie cards with multiple players, who all had varying degrees of success. I wouldn't put Keaton in the same category of Bob Bonner (SS) and Jeff Schneider (P), who appear on Cal Ripken's 1982 rookie card. Maybe it's more comparable to Mookie Wilson/Hubie Brooks 1981 card. Hubie and Keaton put together some nice careers, though will be long forgotten. Hanks and Mookie will live forever through Forrest Gump and Bill Buckner's legs.

And, as they say, Boom Goes the Dynamite.

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