Wednesday, July 13, 2005

At the Break II

After the enthralling Midsummer Classic last night (has anything good happened in the All Star Game in the last 20 years outside of Bo Jackson and Sandy Alomar's HR in the Jake?), it's one more night without baseball.

You would think the PD would have an analysis on the first half today, but nothing. Maybe Hoynes is getting it together for tomorrow, or maybe they'll do a big piece on Doug Johnson (the new backup QB). We wonder why the town hasn't embraced this team yet and you have to look no further at the negativity and overall lack of optimism in the local sports page. People read the same sarcastic comments from the luminaries at the PD and scoff at the progress being made. Don't even get me started on WKNR.

This perception that Dolan is a cheapskate (despite the Tribe spending the most of any ML team on player development in the past few years) is truly ignorant. People rant and rave that Omar and Thome and Manny aren't here, neglecting to remember that Dolan offered Manny $18M to stay here, Shapiro was right on the length of Thome's contract because of his back, and Peralta is a budding star at age 23.

Let's look at what we would have if we had kept that "Golden Era" team intact (just counting the players still in the league):
  • Manny - too much $, remember the Sawx tried to cut him
  • Thome - will be unproductive for the remainder of his contract, which runs through 2008
  • Omar - the Giants are already trying to move him, and he's under contract until he's 41
  • Lofton - once he lost his legs, was exposed as an athlete playing baseball
  • Sean Casey - would look nice here, but has no power
  • Sexson - again, would look nice here, but not for his contract
  • Giles - a mistake
  • Colon - I'd make that trade every day and twice on Tuesdays
  • Sandy - a backup catcher

Who am I missing? Where have you gone Albert Belle, Carlos Baerga, Matt Williams, Travis Fryman, Robby Alomar?

There's such a thing as fiscal responsibility in baseball. That's why what the Indians are doing is the right way to approach building a baseball team. Call it the Atlanta Braves method: develop home-grown talent and add pieces, where needed, to put a consistent product on the field. Is anyone arguing that the Braves do it correctly? Right now, the Indians are at the stage where they're developing young talent and finding out what they have before adding the needed pieces.

As as been said many times, it's time for the fans of this town to turn the page and embrace this team. Root for the name on the front of the jersey, not the back.

Moving on to the pitchers, here's what the starters are on pace to achieve:
The stats are listed as Wins - Losses - ERA - K's - WHIP
C.C. Sabathia
11 - 9 - 4.50 - 129 - 1.33
Kevin Millwood
5 - 13 - 3.58 - 133 - 1.30
Jake Westbrook
11-20 - 4.67 -127 - 1.23
Cliff Lee
17 - 7 - 3.89 - 145 - 1.31
Scott Elarton
11 - 5 - 4.72 - 114 - 1.31

The Sticky one is on pace for 42 saves. Looking at these numbers, you can't help but be optimistic for the second half. No way that Westbrook continues his losing, or Millwood doesn't get W's.

Biggest Surprise:
The consistency of Lee and Elarton has given the Indians a shot all 5 days of the rotation. Expect Lee to get Westbrook money in the off-season, with Elarton getting a long look.

Pitching MVP:
Wicky gives balance to the strong bullpen and, though he quickens the heart rate, gets the job done.

Biggest Disappointment:
The Crooked Cap, in a landslide. I can't get into it right now, or it will ruin my night. Just for a snapshot, look at C.C.'s numbers against Elarton's.

Enjoy the second half. Against the protests of everyone, I'll be in the stands for the first game of the White Sox series tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous9:13 PM

    amazingly, By Land By Sea Baerga is still in the league, he even had a clutch hit last week...and he could tell us for certain if cocaine dealers ignore the tribe in the central...probably better off without him

    Go Tribe

    PC is due

  2. Don't even get me started on the PD. I officially hate Bill Livingston. First of all, the guy gave himself a nickname....presumably for the day the PD gives him an "Ask Livy" section. His writing reminds me of Dennis Miller at his worst on ABC's MNF. I actually cannot read anything by him anymore without getting angry. Even his picture raises my blood pressure. Roger Brown and Cabot, I don't think I need to say anything besides awful. And as an overall paper, the local goverment has run our good city into the ground while they stood idly by.

    PC, I'll be there Friday with some of the BG guys if you are going. Barry will be distributing headlocks at Paninis for the pregame.

  3. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Please tell me Brent a.k.a "the jinx" is not going, it will be difficult for the tribe to overcome him and PC there at the same time.

  4. the jinx said he was coming, but thats no guarantee he shows. he's on lockdown for watching spanktervision. he's also "that guy", bringing his wife with all the fellas. he'll be shopping in the team shop by the 3rd inning. he did win his last game though.

    the way i see it, PC needs to go to all 4. there is no way he can continue this torrid pace. plus, even if we were swept, then we would know for sure and be able to roll him up in a rug and dump him in the river and enjoy going 57-0 the rest of the way, with the whole team breaking Dimagio's streak.

  5. Will Brent be wagering at the game?

    I'm almost completely off of the PD. You don't realize how bad it is until you read the Akron Beacon Journal report on the same material, with much better results.

  6. Anonymous4:22 PM

    from's "pay to read" trade rumor section... SORIANO in a tribe uni????

    Alfonso Soriano

    Red Sox?

    Adios, Texas?
    Jul. 14 According to the Dallas Morning News, second baseman Alfonso Soriano is the Rangers' prime trade commodity. They would like to get the Yankees involved, because it will jack up demand. The Padres and Red Sox could also be interested. But perhaps the best deal would be with the Indians for outfielder Brad Snyder and power arm right-hander Andrew Brown.

  7. Anonymous9:37 PM

    Big Contract, but I would love that trade.

    How is the thurs. crowd...if Millwood loses this game, he is gonna go BANNNANNAS!

  8. 2B isn't where we need help either. course, he's so good we could play him anywhere.

    Nice job tonight PC, you jinx. Millwood just called Barry and has put the hit out on you. I don't know if i'd head to Paninis tomorrow. Might also want to have Katie start the car tomorrow morning.

  9. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Paul, may you never go to another game again.

    Also, GREAT page 2 uni-watch article today (which is linked from my name). My favorite parts was:

    The Brewers held an unusual T-shirt giveaway promotion on July 1: Every fan got to choose between a shirt with the team's old ball-in-glove logo or one with the current logo, creating a sort of mass focus group. In a heartening display of democracy in action, the old logo won rather handily, but it's not clear yet if the team will officially bring it back

    it also started addressing retired numbers from the MLB squad making it all the way through the entire system, here's the tribe comment:

    • From Cleveland Indians equipment manager Jeff Sipos: "The Indians respect retired numbers throughout our minor-league system. They are: 3 (Earl Averill), 5 (Lou Boudreau), 14 (Larry Doby), 18 (Mel Harder), 19 (Bob Feller), 21 (Bob Lemon) and 42 (Jackie Robinson). Also not used throughout the system, although not officially retired, is number 31 in honor of Steve Olin, a homegrown product who died in the boating accident of 1993. I have mandated the nonuse of 31 in our system, and from AA Akron down to our Dominican Republic teams it is respected, along with the organizational directive on the officially retired numbers. And, though it has slipped through the cracks a few times, our AAA club at Buffalo has been very cooperative in keeping Oly's number off the field, as well as the others and the few they also have retired."
