Sunday, February 05, 2006

Lazy Sunday...

...wake up in the late afternoon
call Parnell just to see how he's doing
what up pas!
yo sandburg, whats cracking?
you thinking what i'm thinking?
then it's happening!

Sorry, a little around the horn on Super Bowl Sunday:
Terry Pluto addresses John Schueholz's (Atlanta's GM) impression of Andy Marte.

Ken Rosenthal, in his MLB Roundup, hits on the Indians desire to add another OF this season:
The Indians still would like to add a corner outfielder between now and the July 31 non-waiver deadline. Right-hander Jake Westbrook probably would have been too high a price for Reds outfielder Austin Kearns. Westbrook, 28, has worked more than 210 innings each of the past two seasons and is signed for $10 million over the next two. Kearns, 25, has yet to put together a full season of production ...

Dayn Perry of Fox Sports analyzes the Crisp deal.

Sheldon Ocker of the ABJ hits on the fans' perception of the Crisp deal, on the Dolan's (alleged) cheapness, and voices the concerns of many of the fans, who feel that this is a step back.

I can't tell if Ocker is just trying to state the case against the trade or if he is truly against it.

The fact is that time will tell on the trade, with most national columnists (and experts) saying that the trade does not compromise the 2006 season, while setting the Tribe up for MULTIPLE years of contention.

Finally, The Official Site has a piece on the makeup of the 2006 bullpen. It basically says that the arms that WILL be in the bullpen:

The final spot will be open for one of the following arms: Graves, Karsay, Jason Davis, Andrew Brown, or (surprise, surprise) LHP Tony Sipp.

Personally, I think it will go to Davis (who can serve as the spot starter) while Graves and Karsay work out kinks in the Spring and in Buffalo. Brown and Sipp will get consistent work in Buffalo and be the first names called on to make the trip West on I-90.

Oh, and one more thing - Mr. Pibb and Red Vines = Crazy Delicious.


  1. you can call me aaron burr from the way i'm droppin' hamiltons

  2. Based on his article, I assume it won't be long before Sheldon Ocker starts writing for the PD. To steal his cute line...Ocker, with the fans as his instrument, tried to make the Dolans look bad. At least that is what this article comes off like. I haven't seen him cuss them bad in the past, so I don't know what to think.

    Most fans that are crying about this deal and Dolan's budget are of the dumb, Trivisano call-in breed. I understand the concerns about fans not showing up b/c of the deal. But should Shaprio and the Dolans sarcifice the future of the club to appease a bunch of dumb fans and writers? Plus, those same people are dumb enough that when these deals start paying their dividends, they will come out to the park and forget they ever called the Dolan's cheap, b/c the Indians will be piling up wins.

  3. Did I hear a rumor of a DiaTribe fantasy baseball league for the regulars here???

  4. i'd be down if we can find a league where i don't have to change my lineup every day.

  5. im sure you could never find the time to get on the internet everyday...with you busy schedule

  6. if you get hit in the nuts tomorrow, consider my baltimorian voodoo doll fully operational.

    it's because i'll be too busy actually watching baseball, jerk.

  7. I won't be able to update my fantasy baseball team because I'll be too busy doing my fantasy football off-season research. If there is in fact a league though, i'm down, my schedule doesn't look too busy this summer, except for laying around all day and drinking.
