Thursday, October 05, 2006

Young and Restless

Last Friday night, serial commenter T-Bone was down at the South Side in Tremont with some friends when SuperSizemore made his appearance around midnight, bellying up to the bar with another guy. After our buddy Dozer cozied up to Grady’s friend (in town from Seattle for the last weekend of the season) to work the angle of becoming friends with the celebrity to no avail, the night quietly came to an end.

That is, until bar time, when Sizemore and his buddy stuck around – conceivably to hang out with the improbably hot South Side wait staff. T-Bone’s sister-in-law’s sister then suddenly put up a fuss that Grady could stay, while nobody else could; so much so that she was carried out of the bar as Sizemore looked on.

T-Bone was mortified, enough so that he refused to yell, “Grady, see you at the South Side tonight for the Seahawks game” from the bleachers during Sunday’s finale, for fear of being recognized as being with “that girl” on Friday by Saint Grady.
Trust me, he was asked to get Sizemore’s attention. Again, to no avail.

It led to the bleacher discussion of what a life this 24-year-old must lead, barhopping, famous and ridiculously rich on the North Coast. Granted, Manhattan it’s not, but it’s not a bad racket. Anyone who’s been to the South Side knows that even if Sizemore ended up with the lower rung of employees, he did OK for himself on a Friday night.

As if his partying around town (not in the Jaret Wright sense, more in the “catch a ballgame and a beer” sense) wasn’t enough to move Sizemore into the upper echelon of favorite players (his numbers aren’t bad either), his intro music during the final 2 weeks was Warren G’s “Regulate”.

Personally, I’d like to think that he went to the Tribe brass saying that he wanted to come out to Dre’s “Nuthin’ But A G Thang”, but they were unable to find two consecutive lyrics that don’t refer to something that most season ticket holders took offense to. They settled, then, on Dre’s stepbrother and the impresario of the “G-Funk Era”.

Maybe that’s what Sizemore sees himself as – the innovator of his own G-Funk Era.


  1. I actually had to double check my URL to make sure I didn't accidentally go to the Grady's Ladies site.

  2. i like any story when someone is carried out of a bar...i have 2 or 3 like that and they are all about a polish guy with a big nose who now lives in chicago...and i'm counting the time you fell down the stairs at the Junction because you needed to be helped to the car.

  3. but i never kissed a guy

    i am zee goat...

  4. I knew it started to sound like a man crush had been developed, so I threw in some Gangsta Rap references to see if I could salvage my masculinity.

    I don't think that Grady's Ladies site has ever used the words "impresario of the 'G-Funk Era'" in a sentence.

    Then again, maybe I'm the first.

  5. i think lines like "T-Bone’s sister-in-law’s sister" cause you more credibility problems, no matter what rap lyrics you include.

    Um Chunk, did you hear this from your barber's brother's friend's cousin's? Let me know when you bust the Fratelli brothers.

    Just kidding. I'm glad no jerks vodka beered him.

  6. I love it when Goonies can make it into a thread.

    Truffle Shuffle!
