Saturday, August 11, 2007

Good Grief!

At a loss for words after last night’s disappointment, allow the geniuses behind Arrested Development to sum up my feelings leaving the Jake last night.

Click here to walk a mile in my shoes.

Another shot at the Evil Empire tonight...hopefully with better results.


  1. I'm going to get my mind off the Tribe for a night and take part in the start of 2007 Cleveland Browns Football... *THE SEASON OF DREAMS, BABY! WEEEEEEEEEOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

    *if you don't get it, you really need to start listening to Rizzo, 10-noon weekdays on WNKR, or streaming at

  2. "Come on!"

    I got so depressed listening to the Tribe that I popped in Arrested Development Season 1 on DVD instead...great minds think alike.

    (but the screenshot's from season 2, I know)

    I do like that the Jake plays "Final Countdown" this year...
