Tuesday, September 18, 2007

War Cry

As the Indians put the final nail in the Tigers’ coffin and continue to simply roll to the AL Central Pennant, something occurred to me…this team needs an anthem.

Like Europe’s “The Final Countdown” will always take me back to Richfield (or GOB’s magic act) or Journey’s “Don’t Stop Believin’” harkens back to the dark days of 2005 when the Boys in Black were making their WS run, the 2007 Tribe has reached a point where a rallying cry needs to be identified and played ad nauseum until they’re playing it in Public Square at the conclusion of the World Series Parade.

A song that we can all get behind and cue up to get the good times going, both down at the Jake and wherever Tribe fans congregate. And we’re not talking “Again Tonight” by Johnny Cougar Mellencamp or the various montages on the JumboTron, the 2007 Cleveland Indians need some walking music, some swagger to accompany this team to the win column night after night and through the playoff run that we all think is coming.

Realizing fully that this is Cleveland, the “Rock and Roll Capital of the World” (despite the fact that most of the city is stuck in the glory days of The Buzzard and isn’t aware of new rock from the past 5…make it 10 years), the song needs to be a pretty-well known song and being from the 70’s or 80’s wouldn’t hurt for most fans to recognize it.

First, what can be ruled out?
They already use the inspirational Rocky II scene when the bullpen door opens for JoeBo (though not exactly as the link shown), so that’s out.

“More Cowbell” is also used with AC/DC’s “Hell’s Bells" to get the crowd fired up late in the game, so that’s out too.

Of course, WTAM’s Mike Trivisonno has identified Tom Petty’s “Won’t Back Down” as the Tribe theme, but I could find more inspirational music at a grade school band concert. Great lyrics, great song…but just doesn’t get the blood moving like an anthem should.

Unfortunately, all modern music (particularly hip-hop and rap) are ruled out because…well, if you’ve been to the Jake recently, you don’t need the answer. Most fans at the Jake couldn't tell you what the difference betweeen SpeakerBoxx and The Love Below is, much less get behind a song from it.

It’s also time to put the old Cleveland stand-bys that have been leaned on far too heavily for the past 25 years by the town to bed. You know the ones, MSB’s “My Town” and “Cleveland Rocks”.
Really, this is how creative this city can be?
To hear these songs over and over to create some sort of civic pride?
We're still stuck on this?
No, that day has passed.

Let's also rule out movie songs as not everybody can recognize, say the outstanding music from the Balboa-Drago match in Rocky IV.
And the great "Top Gun Theme" always sadly somehow brings to mind the mind-bogglingly out of place Volleyball Scene that just about ruins the whole movie for me.

This team needs an anthem that plays up the attitude of the team – a team playing for one purpose, with the steam rising from the roster. So how about “Train Kept A Rollin’”?
Nah, Aerosmith’s from Boston and the Chowderheads can keep this one.

How about something that says that this team is what it is…a solid group of great ballplayers comfortable in their own skin, more than happy to take the criticism of a JoeBo tightrope walk or a Peralta error? Something that plays up the old “we’ll put our best players on the field, you do the same…let’s see who wins” idea of sandlot baseball.
Maybe “I Don’t Want to Be” by Gavin DeGraw?
Unfortunately this song got locked in with some show called “One Tree Hill” on a network I’ve never heard of, so it’s out.

What about a song that stresses their workmanlike approach, the way that the team simply goes out and takes care of the business at hand…how about “Takin’ Care of Business”?
As much as I like this one (and it does play every day to introduce Tony Rizzo’s show on WKNR), the Mets and Braves have apparently been using it for some time to celebrate their victories and if we’re just recycling other ideas…this one’s out.

But, we’re getting closer.

We need that inspirational song that everyone knows and can sing along to the chorus that’s easy enough for Grandma to sing along to it, but also has that moment when everyone can go absolutely bananas.
“Livin’ On a Prayer”, anyone?

As much as I LOVE this song (it was actually the last song played at my wedding), I don’t like one basic premise behind it for a supremely talented baseball team – why are we the ones hoping and praying that our time will come?

Can’t we be the ones walking into the situation with all the confidence in the world?
Aren’t the prospects of this team in the post-season and the overall outlook for this team in the foreseeable future rosy enough that we should EXPECT this?

To hell with this underdog card, it’s time to make an announcement to the AL and all of MLB…
“You Ain’t Seen Nothin’ Yet”.
This team is taking the first strides in what promises to be a winning race. The Indians take a backseat to nobody and won’t rely on prayers to get this team a title.
We’re going to win on talent and pitching and guts…and it’s only the beginning.

You Ain’t Seen Nothin’ Yet, Tribe fans.
Trust me, You Just Ain't Seen N-N-N-N-N-N-Nothin' Yet.


  1. Random thoughts upon getting home from the Jake...

    - Playoff atmosphere down there tonight
    - lots of red in the stands
    - lots of bombs (4)
    - lots of dollar dogs (some 61,000 sold, 4 to me)
    - from section 558, Jensen seemed filthy
    - 19 minutes into Sportscenter and game is finally mentioned. Last among all divisions and after OJ story.
    - Thank you Eric Gagne for helping us inch closer to home field advantage throughout...

  2. Bernazard talks to Pirates
    Sep 14 - The Pirates have interviewed current Mets assistant GM Tony Bernazard for their vacant general manager's job, reports ESPN's Peter Gammons.

    Bernazard is currently an assistant to Omar Minaya, and before that was an executive with the Players Association following his playing career.

    Sources have also told the Philadelphia Daily News that Ruben Amaro Jr., the Phillies' assistant GM, might be the front-runner for the Pirates' job.

    Amaro, who has already interviewed for the Astros' vacant GM job, told the Daily News that the Pirates had yet to ask the Phillies for permission to interview him.

  3. I was thinking of this song earlier, actually. At the "Celebration" afte the '95 World Series in Public Square, wasn't that Kenny Lofton's EXACT quote? Maybe it took a lot longer than he thought it would, and the road isn't quite what he thought it would be, but it would be sweet to see him make good on that promise 12 years later.

  4. Hermano: I could be mistaken, but could swear Lofton said that to the fans in attendance at the Jake right after we clinched in '95, not after the Series.

    As for getting back on topic, allow me to write-in Judas Priest's 1982 metal classic “You’ve Got Another Thing Comin’”: one of those songs that always manages to get the blood flowing.

  5. really, in true Cleveland fashion, shouldn't the link to You Ain't Seen Nothin Yet be to this:


    (sorry i can't figure out html in comments)

  6. Club seats last night thanks to the Pac'R!

    Definitely playoff atmosphere as someone else mentioned. Sorta like how Cavs games build up all year into April.

    I'd love to see the split screen of Victor in the tunnel and Casey getting interviewed Monday night. I heard it was great. Jensen got nailed last night, not sure who got him though. Awesome.

    Speaking of Jensen....he's been pitching great, almost as if we've stumbled upon that missing peice to help out the Raffy's and JoBo (not that they need it). The Pac'R actually started complaining last night when they brought him in. I tried explaining to him that he's been pitching well, yet he still wanted to see Lee or Mastny. I proceeded to yell "3 up 3 down", then "4 in a row", ETC ETC. Great stuff. Pac'R is now a Jensen fan. Wedge needs to keep trotting him out there consistenly against Oak/Sea/KC. If he stays efficient, we can rely on him hopefully come October.

    Begs the question, who is the better J-Lew in Cleveland?

    rodells *5*

  7. Being at the game yesterday was incredible. Certainly a playoff atmosphere.

    Highlight of the game? I-Rod throwing the ball past Guillen's ear to land near Mag's feet. Can't even throw the ball around the horn. :)

  8. I went down to the ballpark, to see my favorite team
    The great big giant scoreboard, instructed us to scream
    I think, even if we're down three
    A win is what we'll get, mmm
    We'll break out the rally pies, and yell

    You ain't seen nothin' yet
    B-B-B-Baby, you just ain't seen nothin' yet
    Here's something that you never gonna forget
    B-B-B-Baby, you just ain't seen nothin' yet

    And now I'm feelin' better, 'cause I found out for sure
    We're goin to the playoffs, our lead is now secure
    With CC, Fausto, Jake, Paul
    We'll take what we can get, yes we'll take what we can get
    Then turn it over to the 'pen
    And say

    You ain't seen nothin' yet
    B-B-B-Baby, you just ain't seen nothin' yet
    Here's something, here's something that you're never gonna forget
    B-B-B-Baby, you just ain't seen nothin' yet
    You need educated


    Any hits a good hit
    So we take what we can get, yes we take what we can get
    Then well break out the rally pies
    And yell

    You ain't seen nothin' yet
    Baby, you just ain't seen nothin' yet
    Here's something, here's something,
    here's something, mama, you're never gonna forget
    B-B-B-Baby, you just ain't seen nu-nu-nu-nothin' yet
    You ain't been around

    You ain't seen nothin' yet
    I know I ain't seen nothin' yet
    I know I ain't seen nothin' yet
    Baby, Baby, Baby
    You ain't seen nothin' yet

  9. 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Last season at Jacobs Field?

    I found this very sad press release on the Indians website.


  11. Yep, they snuck in with all the pennant race excitement happening.

  12. Lots of great e-mails and suggestions for the anthem, so I'll do another post with what was suggested. If you want yours included, be sure to get it to me.

    fasolamatt, welcome aboard the gravy train and...WOW! Incredible work on the alternate lyrics. If only someone had access to a recording studio.

    On the Jake, we all knew this was coming as they gave Jacobs a year for free so as not to ruffle any feathers after last year's performance on the field.

    Even if it changes to something like NatCity Park, I have a feeling people will still call it the Jake.

    Unless, of course, they go another route.
    As un-PC as it is for a team seemingly trying to distance themselves from anything Indians-related, I'm still holding out hope for "The Reservation at continental.com".

  13. well, i for one would love some J5. My personal fav would be "Hey", however "Quality Control" would work equally well. "Thru Ya City" by De La Soul would also be cool. However, since you've pointed out that hip hop will not work, I'll get back to brainstorming.

    One last suggestion, Randy Newman....Burn On.

  14. you know what gets me fired up? that 'Talkin' Tribe' song. That's all I need.

  15. screw the red shirts, lets grow casey blake beards for the playoffs!

  16. Has there been any new rock in the past 5-10 years?

  17. Thanks for the warm welcome. For the record, I live in "Twins Territory" now (pathetic this year) but every night my kids play in the front yard while Tom and Mike play through the speaker on the porch, and the neighbors have pretty much quit asking "what game is that?"

    Oh, and I've had a Casey Blake beard for 17 years.

    cheers! matt

  18. Is anyone else staring at the front of espn.com and wondering what statistics or basis the WWL has for dubbing the Yankees the "hottest team in baseball" and not the Tribe?

  19. i saw that and almost spit out my cereal, but then i looked into it. it pains me to say that in august, the yanks were 18-11, us 17-11 and in september we are both 13-4.

    and they have been hot since the allstar break, unlike the tribe. i still hate espn and the yankees, but sadly it is true.
