Saturday, April 05, 2008

The DiaBride Chimes In

A burgeoning tradition that accompanies the start of every season here at the Wigwam (if not the site) has become the The DiaBride’s selection of her top 10 favorite players. The list has evolved from the days when she was just a wide-eyed kid from Milwaukee, basing her list solely on the players’ names (she never failed to amuse herself by welcoming her favorite player, David Riske, into the game with a “who are they bringing into the game…that’s a pretty Riske move” back in 2004) to now, when she questions the use of the sacrifice bunt to advance a runner and can’t figure out why Carson Kressley…I mean Jason Michaels, stays in the game (much less being allowed to step to the plate) when a RHP comes on in relief.

And so, without further ado, from the home office in Sioux City, Iowa…it’s time for The DiaBride’s Top 10 favorite players, with her comments about each player explaining the process.
You’ll note that she only refers to the players by their first name because, as she says, “she’s gotten to know them over the years” and…well, that's what she does:
10. Asdrubal
This is my risky pick for the year. I don’t know much about Asdrubal, but I have a good feeling about him. I think this young pup is going to have a great season and looking forward to watching him for the next few years.

9. Grady
I like Grady - I don’t think there are many that don’t - but I just can’t put him at the top of my list. He’s at the top of too many others, which makes me HAVE to put him at the bottom of mine. An excellent player, but just too much hype.

8. Jhonny
Who can’t like a guy whose name is Jhonny with that kind of spelling? It took a lot of convincing for me to believe his name was not misspelled on the Jumbotron or that his name is not pronounced “ja-honny”. This year he made the list because I like when people ask me why it’s spelled like that and I know the answer. Oh yeah, and I think he’s a great player!

7. Cliff
Cliff has been a long time “lister” (back when I was picking favs from Paul reading off names and choosing whose names I liked best) but we had some rough patches. Cliff, you are my hopeful this year!

6. Fausto
How can you not have respect for a guy who showed up the Yankees the way he did last year? That was one game in the playoffs that I was so glad we were watching at home. If you’re an Indians fan - you know what game I am talking about. The invasion of the bugs, where we got to see the Yankees as the wusses they are and saw the Tribe as the tough, focused players they are, with Fausto standing out among the bunch. Outstanding!

5. Travis
Travis has made the list for the last several years even though last year was a rough one and he wasn’t the Pronk that we know and love. This year, I think he’s back and we’re going to see a boatload of homers! Despite his resemblance to the terrifying Anton Chigurh (as pointed out by Hafner when asked what movie star would play him in a movie during last Wednesday’s game), he still is among the favorites.

4. Ryan
This year is the first for Ryan to be on my list as Ryan has proved to be a solid player and a complete goofball. With his silliness on the field and constant smile, how could he not make the list?

3. CC
Although I don’t know all that much about CC, I always love watching him pitch and his bursts of excitement when he does well. He was a little hit-or-miss at the end of the season last year, but we are hoping for another Cy Young award this year. CC, if you’re reading this, I promise to move you to #1 if you sign with us next year.

2. Casey
The DiaTribe and I have not always seen eye to eye on Casey but I have always kept the faith. The last few years have been fun with Casey doing as well as he has. With the DiaTribe calling him Casey with a “K”, I never miss a chance to yell, “IN YOUR FACE” each and every time Casey has a great play, which happens a lot these days.

1. Victor
Although he gave us quite a scare on opening day, Victor is still #1 in my book. Victor has always been one of the favs, although in the past it was mainly because I loved saying his name with my horrible Venezuelan accent. But now it has a bit more substance to it – I love his enthusiasm when he’s playing…and when he’s in the dugout. He is a solid player offensively as well as defensively and yet always looks like he’s having fun. Victor’s quote after the loss to Boston, that seeing his son in the locker room was the only thing that put a smile back on his face, cemented his #1 spot here.

There you have it, the first guest post from The DiaBride (which surprisingly mentions nothing about the retirement of a certain Green Bay Packer) coming through.

With a day game not on TV today, let’s hope that the Indians’ hitters are able to avoid watching third pitch strikes, flailing wildly at balls out of the strike zone (I thought we were past that, Jhonny), and offering meekly at offerings from the likes of John Danks and Justin Duchscherer (um…Travis?). It’s time to take advantage of the Tigers limping out of the gate (I know it is only 4 games, but where did I read that injuries could catch up with them…fast) and take a couple from the Sacramento River Cats…I mean, the Oakland A’s.


  1. Some fine choices, especially having the guts to put Casey near the top of the list.

    I guess I'm in what i believe is probably the majority though.

    Even though he plays his butt off all the time, plays wherever they ask him too, plays those places pretty well, and comes up with a big hit and the damndest times - I still can't warm up to him as he probably deserves.

  2. Bravo, DiaBride!

    For those who haven't met her, this is what she looks like...

    ... during football season.

    ... during baseball season.

  3. Ronnie V,
    Blake could be 1 for 25, but if that 1 hit is something like a HR or produces an RBI, she's all over me about how great he's bizarre.

    I'm with you, despite the turmoil it causes when I decide not to simply bite my tongue and keep my criticism of Blake to myself.

    I can't believe you found those pictures of her!

    Spent this afternoon at the Q watching the Cavs-Magic and I have one word for you - uh-oh.

  4. caught the cubs game yesterday and i have a prediction. kosuke fukudome is going to be more popular than ichiro if the windy city fans have anything to say about it. it seems like 1/2 the jerseys on cubs fans where #1...and as i predicted to my brother in law, when he got an RBI in the 5 run 7th, the 3 Japanese guys sitting next to us video taping the game were going to go BANANAS!

    i of course wore my tribe lid and got about 5 "GO TRIBE!"s from random strangers between my house and the ballpark, much to the dismay of my Red's fan brother-in-law. For you non-clevelanders, how much does it make your day when you get the knowing smile of a fellow Cleveland fan and a "GO TRIBE!"? Much like Kiddy City, it can turn that frown, upside down. And have you ever witnessed other fans doing it? I see lots of lids and I don't recall very many instances where other fans give or get that sort of response.

    If any of you watch the cubs today, i'll be the guy behind home plate sportin the wahoo.

  5. I think fukudome is especially popular because of the nature of baseball fans - at least the male ones - who, when at the park, allow themselves to be taken back to about the 5th grade.

    there is a certain way you can "Americanize" (shall we say) the name in a way that would send a 5th grader rolling on the floor. (I know because I do the "Americanization" of the name in my head every time I see it).

    And if Cubs fans are really at the level that Lee Elia (in his famous rant) once said they are, it's clear that the name (plus his talent) is what makes him so popular.

    By the way, you're very right about the "go Tribe" greetings. When I get one (usually several) of those walking around Yankee stadium, it really is great.
