Thursday, July 31, 2008

Coming to You (Sort of) Live

As promised, here is the first of the links to view your humble host on “More Sports and Les Levine” with Todd Dery from Wednesday night. Because the show lasts for an hour, it had to be broken up into segments for uploading onto YouTube, some of which are still forthcoming. The only one that was small enough to fit on YouTube was actually the last segment.
So, the last shall be first, as they say, and I'll post the rest of them as they become available, so check back periodically for updates.

I'm the guy in the blue shirt pictured above, if you weren't, without further ado:

Once all of the segments are posted, this will make more sense - but it should be pointed out that my comments on the show regarding Kelly Shoppach were made PRIOR to his 5 extra-base hit night, so I’d like to thank Mr. ShowPack for making me look good on that one. Also, my comments on Manny Ramirez being a Cleveland Indian in 2009 from the show stand for any discussions having to do with Manny that are sure to rear their ugly head over the next 6 months.
So, let's not even get into that...

Whilst we wait for the rest of the YouTube links to be posted, some housecleaning as the Trading Deadline came and went as Manny followed Casey to La La Land, Jason Bay joined the Sawx, Ken Griffey will apparently be patrolling CF for the White Sox (an OF of he, Dye, and Quentin should provide some high comedy), and Pudge went to the Bronx (which was addressed in the show) for Farnsworth.
And Paul Byrd (not unexpectedly) remained an Indian.

In the world of the Tribe, the fiery bullpen (more on the leaky pen in the a post next week regarding offseason inactivity that’s still being worked on) and some shoddy hitting with runners in scoring position that kept me up too late ruined an otherwise wonderful Wednesday before Fausto looked more like the Fausto we all know and love Thursday afternoon.

As as aside on the TV appearance, the funniest thing that came from it was a phone call that night from my sister in Stow, who has 2 young kids. My sister said the kids freaked out when they saw my mug on TV and started waving at the TV, saying hello to me.

My nephew then turned to my sister and said, "Why isn't Uncle Paul saying anything back to us?" To which my sister responded that I was actually on TV on not on a webcam (kids these days...sheesh).
Both kids then peered around the TV to see if I was behind it and asked, "he's IN the TV?"

My sister was then forced to explain to her two youngsters how TV works as their uncle (while not acknowledging them) prattled on endlessly about baseball in the background.

Stay tuned for more of the segments as I'll post them as they become available.

Here is Part 1, but make sure to fast-forward for about 45 seconds to get to the goods. The sound is a little off (again, if anyone out there knows better how to execute this type of thing, a show of hands would work), but here it is:


  1. Great facials every time he says "KOOOsineau". Still watching, I'm sure I'll have more comments soon.

  2. Anonymous12:06 PM


    Is the audio out of sync before uploading to YouTube?

    I tried to sync the audio, but it still seems off.

    I uploaded it here

    If you have the original, I may be able to do a better job of syncing the audio.

  3. Should we read anything into Drooby-Droob-Droob playing some short last night, and Carrol getting some innings at third?

  4. Anonymous5:44 PM

    wow...I haven't read a paper or listened to the radio in 7 days (was up shooting bullets into Lake Erie at Camp Perry all week)...I come home to find Blake is gone, Manny looks headed our way and we find out Paul is another pretty I see a TV career coming?

  5. Nice job -- way to represent!
