Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Woodworking in Arizona

Kerry Wood made his Spring Training debut against the Halos yesterday and Larry Jones of Lazy Lightning Media was right there to capture all of the action. Today, he sends some shots of Kerry Wood on the mound (with the first picture looking like he’s in those Cubs uniforms that they started wearing recently that are more navy than Cubbie blue) sporting some serious chin fur, Jered Weaver and his perpetually wet hair, The Looch “motoring” around the basepaths, and finally some shots of our beloved #3 and #4 hitter handling the lumber.

Nothing of Scott Lewis imploding in the 7th inning of the game, likely at the same time I was writing, “the 5th starter spot may fall into his lap before the team breaks camp for the regular season” in yesterday’s piece.

I kid…I kid…here are those beautiful shots under the sun:

All images are property of Lazy Lightning Media, all rights reserved.


  1. that first one made my evening.

  2. beautiful stuff indeed!

  3. Wow! Hafner has really slimmed down.

  4. I have to say my favorite part of these pictures has been seeing all the various phrases of Victor's swing. I swear that thing is just poetry in motion.
