Thursday, July 08, 2010

The Sun Will Rise Tomorrow


  1. Preach it, brother.

  2. We can handle it.

  3. I have been thinking about this the last few days and thinking about, in my lifetime, only one Cleveland sports team seems to be good at a time. In the 80s it was the Browns, 1989-1992 the Cavs, the 1994-2000 Indians, the 2003-2010 Cavs. We have had a year here or there where two teams have been good, like 2007 for Cavs and Indians, but it is not normal and fades quickly.

    So who is next? Resurgent Browns? Young Indians? Or maybe it is still the Cavs, after reading Dan Gilbert's open letter, which was awesome to hear an owner say.

  4. Good riddance dude...the jersey will burn as soon as the sun goes down tonight. Dan Gilbert is slowly becoming a Cleveland legend, but I am not sure about winning a championship with either Mo Williams (who I LOVE) or Jamison as your leading scorer.

    On a more tragic note than this, Dinner Bell Mel Turpin committed suicide yesterday...RIP Mel. What the heck is going on?

  5. Tremendous picture. Thanks for the post Paulie. I dont say it enough, but you and Castrovince are the only guys worth reading when it comes to the Tribe.
